How to Achieve Healthy Hair Growth
You may find yourself looking at someone for a long time if they have good natural long hair. The only thing you can do is desire as you have always wanted to have that kind of hair. You might think they were born that way or there is something they are doing to achieve that kind of hair. The tips to gaining a healthy hair growth is highlighted below.
Your hair will not grow healthy by applying all sort of products, but by eating the right kind of meals. The intake of food rich in protein such as fish, nuts and beans will help with your hair growth. Research conducted concluded that to get healthy hair you need to feed it from inside. It is evident that women who lack sufficient protein have their hair shedding off. It is also vital to add vitamins on your hair and this is by getting a multivitamin prescribed for hair, skin and nails.
Shampooing your hair two to three times a week also is a great step for a healthy hair growth. When your hair is shampooed it makes it possible for the natural oil to enter your hair and is absorbed and repairs your hair. Your hair will be strong if it is rinsed using cool water as the cool water helps in the closure of cuticles. You hair will be smooth, appear shiny and strong which makes it much healthy.
An individual should pay attention when brushing wet hair as its prone to break when wet showing how fragile it is. Make it a habit of using a wide -tooth comb if your hair is wet and you need to brush it. When you use a silk pillow case to support your head, your hair will not experience any tangles or shedding off. Your hair will grow long and healthy if it only experience little shedding. The more you style your hair the more it becomes weak and sheds off. Remember to always lower the heat and use a heat protectant if you need to heat your hair.
If you make it a habit of trimming your hair frequently then the split that damage your hair will be done away with. Removing the damages will ensure that your hair is growing on a fast rate. Never allow your hair to go blonde by applying chemicals on it as it will promote breakage and more split ends. When you follow the guide above, you will be able to have a healthy hair growth.