All About Selecting a Water Heater.
In most cases, you will find at least one water heater in every household. The energy bills coming from heating and cooling account for about fourteen percent of the overall bill. The more efficient the water heater you are using is, the less the energy bill. Expect a water heater that has been in use for a decade to be operating at half the initial efficiency. Even so, it will not be good news for the utility bill. You can cut down your energy consumption by having the water heater replaced. However, for the maximum benefits, you have to know how to make a choice. If you want to choose right, you should observe the family habits in their need for hot water and when they are likely to use it the most. With such a knowledge, you will not go wrong in matters to do with deciding what the FHR for your water heater should be. Ensure you have thought about what will be fuelling your water heater. Check the electricity rates to estimate the amount of energy bill you will be footing. You can include the energy bill in your budget and not be surprised when the bill comes. There are also water heaters which work with gas or oil. This will be cheaper than using electricity.
Consider buying an HPWH if the climate you are in is not always receiving very low temperatures all the time. It might cost you a lot in the initial purchase but you will save at least half of the energy bill. Thus, you will have to make choice between paying high electricity bill or spending more initially and paying less in the energy bill. If you buy a gas water heater or oil-fired water heater, it is essential for you to make sure the combustion chamber has a proper sealing mechanism. This eliminates the possibility of back-drafting to the home. You will be confident about your safety when using the unit in such a case. Another thing you have to keep in mind when choosing a water heater is the energy factor. It is highly recommended that you choose a gas water heater Ann arbor that has been rated highly as far as the energy factor is concerned. Even so, remember that the EF is not the same for all brands. You want to think about the fuel the water heater uses too when making a decision about the EF. Electric water heaters cost more to operate even when the EF is higher compared to their counterparts even if they have a lower EF rating. It is important that you do not take things at face value if you want to make the right choice as far as water heater are concerned.