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CBD and THC-Know of How to Pass Your Drug Tests by Knowing How Long Weed Stays in the Human System

When it comes to cannabis and how long it gets to last in the bloodstream, there has been so much of information, much of them misleading anyway, when it comes to this particular subject. In this post, there is given in detail more on the facts that you need to know of when it comes to the need to determine how long weed actually stays in the system.

First, it pays to learn of how the body actually metabolizes marijuana. The cannabinoid that will often show up in blood tests is the psychoactive cannabinoid, THC. With any ingestion or smoke of cannabis, the THC will often be absorbed into the bloodstream. After the THC has been so absorbed into the bloodstream, the THC will bind to the receptors and these are then transported to the vital areas that this has an effect on, some of which are the brain and the nervous system.

Having said this, it is to be noted as a fact that even though the effects of THC will be felt only for some short span f time, the cannabinoid often is stored in the body for far much longer. This is looking at the fact that THC is known as one of the lipophilic substances, those that bind with fat. For this reason, you will find the THC stored in your fatty tissues and as well the other organs such as the spleen, kidneys, liver, muscles and the others.

There are cases where these stored THC getting reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. This is the reason as to why it would often take so long for the body to get rid of the THC in it. Finally, when the THC will be good for getting metabolized, it will get broken down in the liver. As a result of this, the THC metabolizes into a number of metabolites. Compared to the duration that THC itself lasts in the system, these metabolites do last much longer. It is these metabolites that will get to show up in the drug test results in the event that you happen to go for a drug test afterwards.

As such when it comes to the determination of the duration of time that weed takes in the body, this in actual sense will get to vary and is influenced by a host of factors.